Voter Expectations

Active and knowledgeable voters are extremely important for the health of a MAGIC Fund!

Voters elect committee members for a MAGIC Fund, and they make other decisions from time to time as requested by MAGIC Grants or the MAGIC Fund.

Minimum Expectations

In our experience, most voters only need to commit about 5 hours per year to their core duties.

  • Vote on the committee and on various occasional decisions (see how to vote).

  • Read the committee member applications.

  • Stay up to date and knowledgeable in the Project community.

  • Remain polite and professional.

Extra Credit

Voters ultimately just need to vote. However, voters can improve the significance of their actions by:

  • Reaching out to potential donors, encouraging them to donate to the MAGIC Fund.

  • Reaching out to potential contractors/employees, encouraging them to apply for grants.

  • Reaching out to potential committee candidates, encouraging them to run for the position.

  • Reaching out to potential voters, encouraging them to apply to be a voter.

  • Running for a committee position themselves.

  • Volunteering to support MAGIC Grants's operations.

See Committee Member expectations