MAGIC Privacy Guides Fund

MAGIC Grants is pleased to host the Privacy Guides project with the MAGIC Privacy Guides Fund. Privacy Guides the leading resource for independent, criteria-focused product recommendations and general knowledge in the privacy space. Please make sure to familiarize yourself with the important Fund details:

To donate to the MAGIC Privacy Guides Fund, please email us at We accept donations with credit card, bank transfer, and cryptocurrency. A new donation platform to make donating easier will be deployed soon.

Committee Members

The MAGIC Privacy Guides Fund is governed by a committee that is composed of the five original Privacy Guides team members. They are:

  • Jonah Aragon
  • Niek de Wilde
  • Daniel Gray (dngray)
  • Freddy
  • Olivia

Currently, committee members are appointed and removed by the committee. There is no election process.

MAGIC Privacy Guides Fund Vision and Goals

  • To maintain the best privacy educational resources.
  • To foster a privacy community.
  • To remain free of advertisements and affiliate links.

Committee Minutes

Archive of older minutes