Special Election for the MAGIC Monero Fund

On June 21, 2022, Vik Sharma voluntarily resigned from the MAGIC Monero Fund due to a lack of time. The MAGIC Grants board and the MAGIC Monero Fund committee would like to thank Vik for his service to the committee and to the Monero community.

We are looking for new MAGIC Monero Fund committee candidates and MAGIC Monero Fund voters for this special election.

As described in the Monero Fund document:

MAGIC Fund Committee resignations or removals will initiate a special election, for which the newly-elected member will serve the remainder of the resigning or removed member’s term.

Vik's term was initially supposed to last two years, ending in January 2024.

In this special election, we are asking two questions:

  1. Who should replace Vik as a committee member? Candidates are invited to apply by July 20th.

  2. Should 1) the new committee member serve the remainder of the two year term (ending in January 2024), or 2) the new committee member serve the remainder of a one year term (ending in January 2023), and have the third-ranked MAGIC Monero Fund candidate from the initial election kayabaNerve promoted to a longer term ending in January 2024.

Normally, terms are for two years. However, only the two most-voted for members of the inaugural committee were afforded two year terms, with the other three afforded one year terms.

The MAGIC Grants board believes that it's important to maintain a staggered election cycle so that not every member is a part of each election.

Appy as a Committee Fund Member

Apply: https://github.com/MAGICGrants/Monero-Fund/issues/new?assignees=&labels=&template=committee-application.md&title=Candidate%3A+%5BName%2FPseudonym%5D+for+MAGIC+Monero+Fund

See existing applicants: https://github.com/MAGICGrants/Monero-Fund/issues

  • Open date: 27 June 2022
  • Due date: 25 July 2022

Committee member expectations: https://magicgrants.org/funds/committee_expectations/

Committee members are encouraged to also apply as a Fund voter!

Apply as a Fund Voter

Apply: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfrhCsooOiG4Nc9CUl5GN8cXXDIoxxrBUxM6GUaQfTyQHG5bw/viewform

  • Open date: 27 June 2022
  • Due date: 25 July 2022

You may alternatively submit nominations by email to info@magicgrants.org that address the following:

  • Are you nominating yourself or nominating another person?
    • Nominating myself
    • Nominating another person
  • What is the nominee's name or pseudonym?
  • What is the nominee's email address?
    • Note: If you wish to nominate someone else and don't know their email, please send them the link to apply instead.
  • Why should this person be a MAGIC Monero Fund voter?
  • The nominee's name/pseudonym will be made public if selected. Please confirm you are okay with this.
    • Note: If you are nominating another person, they must accept the nomination. We will confirm they wish for their name/pseudonym to appear publicly. We will not share their name/pseudonym publicly without their permission. The email will not be made public.

Voter expectations: https://magicgrants.org/funds/voter_expectations/

Voting process for existing voters


  • Election start date: 27 July 2022
  • Election end date: 5 August 2022

Help and Other Info

You can also ask questions on our Discord.

Good luck, and thanks for applying!