Monero Fund Committee Minutes from 2025-02-27

Present: rottenwheel, fractal_rector, XMRfamily, kowalabearhugs, xmrack, john

Walletverse proposal

After discussion the committee voted to decline to fund this proposal, closing the issue.

Metronero proposal

The committee began discussing this proposal.

fractal_rector requested a call with metronero to discuss details.

Future proposals

xmrack mentioned they were in contact with a party interested in writing fuzzing harnesses for the Monero daemon. The committee awaits a potential proposal.

We discussed generating a positive feedback loop with well-defined successful proposals working to generate more attention and additional proposals.

Obtaining more frequent proposal submissions is a committee priority.


We discussed fundraising options including selling merchandise like clothing, obtaining a greater donation presence in Featherwallet, and the feasibility of obtaining grants from other non-profits like the Calyx Institute. The EFF's shop offerings were mentioned as an example of successful merchandise efforts.

The idea of bringing fundraising ideas to each committee meeting was met positively. The committee is also keen on promoting donations to the Monero Fund general fund.

Committee workings

The committee approved utilizing a simple majority voting method for proposals and relevant decision making. addendum: The committee will adhere to current MAGIC policy: "The MAGIC Fund Committee should require at least 3 votes to approve grant disbursements and investment decisions. A committee quorum requires at least 3 committee members to be present. These can be changed by the board (for example if a larger committee is desired). The board may optionally use a binding or a non-binding election to collect feedback on potentially changing these thresholds."

kowalabearhugs will continue to record meeting minutes

xmrack will write up an agenda for future meetings

Meetings had been taking place at 22:00 UTC. The committee approved maintaining the relative local time for those affected by the upcoming daylight savings time, accordingly meetings will now take place at 21:00 UTC.