Present: Rucknium, Kayaba, monerobull, artlimber
DocIt Grant
DocIt submitted a grant application for a Discord bot which would utilize a LLM to respond to questions about Monero, advertising how it'd reduce our support staff. Since Monero doesn't have support staff, and due to the nature of LLMs, we questioned the benefit this would bring. Asking the community if anyone there supported the idea, and with no desire expressed, all present members voted to reject the application. kowalabearhugs, who was not present, stated that they could be considered as a "No" vote prior to the meeting.
Borggren Conclusions
Borggren, at the end of his grant, has not mathematically defined the EAE and related attacks, quantified the risk to user privacy, nor provided theoretical or empirical support to possible ways to reduce the effectiveness of these types of attacks. Instead, they've made incremental improvements to a few different areas. While still progressive, this unfortunately doesn't yield practical results/commentary we can apply to Monero, and instead would require more time and research to obtain applicability.