Monero Fund Committee Minutes from 2023-04-18

Present: Rucknium, Kayaba, monerobull, artlimber

Brief Updates

Thre was no further updates available regarding researchers. The Monerokon schedule was published, and our participation was briefly discused.

Amendment to the Fund's Policies

Justin Ehrenhofer, President of MAGIC, joined to discuss the fact the committee has practically operated with just four members since our first meeting. Unfortunately, after that meeting, Majestic Bank no longer attended meetings. While we're understanding of members not being able to make every single meeting, over three months without participation is a distinct matter.

It was mutually agreed the optimal way forward was to amend the Monero Fund's policies, allowing four committee members to impeach another, pending the MAGIC Grants Board review and approval, after missing at least four meetings in a row.

The present committee member's unanimously voted in favor of this amendment, tracked here.