Present: Rucknium, Kayaba, Deverick
We do have a Paypal link supporting recurring donations, This should be added to our page shortly to enable that as an option.
The MAGIC Monero Fund is accumulating a list of universities and organizations which may have researchers amicable to working for Monero. We are also considering posting an offer on the IACR job board, yet we'd have to have the funds for such a position lines up, not to mention a specific working focus. It remains an option for consideration.
While these minutes exist, it'd also be valuable to email MAGIC community members our accomplishments and updates, on a quarterly or so schedule. This was a proposal raised by Deverick a while back, and is once again coming up as the MAGIC Monero Fund could potentially work with an external party on crafting the newsletter. While it'd be optimal for the committee to do it themselves, they've already volunteered their time and effort as-is, and gone above and beyond with helping MAGIC as a whole, so the ability to delegate would be beneficial.
ACK-J Update
ACK-J posted their most recent number, claiming machine learning was able to identify 23% of the model transactions' spends correctly. While this was with somewhat distinct data, which when corrected will lower that percentage, ACK-J is also refining their methodology and utilizing the computing resources they need. This remains an active grant with many comments on our decoy selection algorithm available.