Monero Fund Committee Minutes from 2022-05-15

Present: Rucknium, Kayaba, Deverick, Csila

Payment processing

Having reviewed the payment processing software noted last time, Kayaba will be putting in the work to get it up to code and speed. This should be ready before MoneroKon in order to be able to maximize our presence at that event.

Promotional items

Considering we have officially been present at a conference once (Monerotopia), and are planning to be at MoneroKon as well, it'd make sense to have a reusable banner available to draw attention and establish ourselves. There'd also be benefit in having a smaller item available to giveaway, leading to discussion on what items would be ignored and which items would return a lasting impression while remaining affordable.

Grant program

A grant program was recently noted as a candidate to receive funding from, and we're working on a proposal for it. Not only would it increase our available funds, it'd create connections with other organizations and increase our presence overall.