MAGIC Grants now accepts Litecoin and Litecoin MWEB (MimbleWimble extension blocks) donations directly on our donation website!
As far as we know, we are the first registered charity to accept Litecoin MWEB donations with an automated system.
About Litecoin
Litecoin is one of the oldest decentralized cryptocurrencies, dating back to 2011. Litecoin is commonly used for its wide exchange accessibility, affordable transactions, and privacy-enhancing MWEB features.
About Litecoin MWEB
Litecoin MWEB is a relatively new privacy feature that some Litecoin wallets support.
Litecoin MWEB transactions have a hidden transfer amount, and they usually have greater transaction graph privacy than Litecoin mainnet transactions. However, their privacy is not absolute.
LTC mainnet funds can be trustlessly "pegged" into and out of the MWEB sidechain. The MimbleWimble technology was first proposed for Bitcoin and is also used in Grin, although the specifics of each implementation vary.
Litecoin MWEB has limited adoption, and we hope that more merchants accept Litecoin MWEB in the near future. As of March 18, 2025, the LTC balance held in MWEB addresses is 124,000 according to MWEBExplorer, or about 0.16% of the current LTC supply.
How the Integration Works
Our donation site is powered by our open-source code, BTCPay Server, and the new Litecoin MWEB Plugin.
These programs allow us to easily generate unique donation addresses for each checkout experience. The funds land directly in our own self-custody wallet without the use of any intermediary!
We then use our autoforward-autoconvert program, which has been expanded to support LTC and MWEB. This allows us to easily convert our received cryptocurrencies to dollars if we desire.
Everything is open-source and self-custody!
Special Thanks
We would like to thank Hector Chu for his extensive efforts on Litecoin MWEB related work. We could not accept Litecoin MWEB at scale without him!
We would like to thank the Litecoin Foundation for supporting MWEB.
We would like to thank Cake Wallet and Seth for Privacy for helping to test the MWEB plugin.
About MAGIC Grants
MAGIC Grants is a 501(c)(3) public charity that supports privacy and cryptocurrency infrastructure. Your donation may qualify for a tax deduction.
MAGIC Grants accepts cryptocurrency and cash donations.