MAGIC Grants Saves Firo Community $8000 for Lelantus Spark Audit

MAGIC Grants is pleased that the campaign to raise funds for a Lelantus Spark code audit was successful! The Firo community generously donated ~$28,708 through our GoFundMe. The remaining amount necessary for the audit was provided by the Firo Community Fund (FCF).

MAGIC Grants is holding the $80,000 in total donations in USD. This removes volatility risks, which is important for donors and contractors. The initial HashCloak proposal on the Firo Crowdfunding System added 10% as a volatility buffer. Since this is no longer necessary, we can save donors $8,000, while also reducing risks for the auditors!

This campaign was supported by 30 individual donors and the FCF. We especially would like to thank Rasikh Morani and The Arcadia Group for their substantial contributions. The FCF donated $52,073.39.

Donations to MAGIC Grants are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. Please email us if you would like to make a donation!

We would like to thank the Firo community and HashCloak for trusting MAGIC Grants to simplify the audit experience!